Job description
1. Subject: (Global Goals / Project Goals)
• The group wants to maintain and improve the German press portal (Presse DE portal). The portal is currently managed by the group editors using both WordPress and an internal CMS. The short-term goal is for Presse DE portal to be completely migrated from WordPress to the internal CMS.
• The group wants to redesign the Corporate site. This website is currently managed by the compagnie editors using WordPress and they will be using an internal CMS in the upcoming months.
• Since an internal CMS has been developed to handle all articles and landing page management, the development team will have to maintain and improve the tool
• In order to harmonize all client fronts, all pages need to consume Group’s Design System components.
Presse DE front
Presse DE portal is used by German journalists to get informed about upcoming programs. When they are authenticated, they can access a large amount of information (mostly videos, articles).
The portal uses JavaScript, React, Next JS and will consume ADS (Group’s Design System) components, following the Atomic Design guidelines.
Data comes from the presse middleware API, a simple REST API which is used as a proxy between several API to provide information for presse front. It mainly uses PHP / Symfony.
Corporate front
Corporate website’s goal is to inform about Group’s institutional news (who we are, what we do ...).
It uses JavaScript, React, Next JS and will consume ADS (Arte Design System) components, following the Atomic Design guidelines.
Both Presse DE portal and Corporate website will be managed within Group’s CMS, which is a homemade one (Fastify, Prisma, react-admin). Users should be able to create and edit content (articles, full pages ...) and the tool must provide all elements using REST API.
The migration from WordPress to the new CMS needs to be done in the next few months for Presse DE portal. Once this migration is done, the same work is necessary for Corporate as well.
2. Organization & responsibilities
The work is organized around daily meetings, weekly releases, code reviews on each pull request, multiple teams' contributions, etc.
The daily work consists of:
• Ensuring the development and the documentation
• Improving performance
• Improving accessibility
• Interacting with the team that manage Design System components
• Integration of components and other front tasks within the project.
3. Desired skills & experience
The Group is looking for 1 profile with strong expertise in:
• ReactJS
• Javascript
• NextJS
• Github Actions
Javascript ; ReactJS; NextJS; Github Actions; PHP; Rest API ; Fastify ; Figma ; React-admin
You are interested in the offer👇