“Youpiiiie I found a client in the UK!!! 🥳 »
Oki that's so cool, but, have you thought about the bill? Over here 👇🏼
As in France, an international invoice must respect a certain formalism and legal requirements.
🗣Selected language
If you want to pamper your beloved client, you can write your invoice in their national language (yes national. Not native. Who cares if they are Javanese but settled in the US).
If you don't mind being nice, French is allowed.
However, pay attention to the terms and legal documents used. Keep in mind that this writing will legally bind you.
The mandatory information is substantially the same as for an invoice intended for a French customer.
💰The motto
Again, it's how you like it. The invoice must mention the currency used, and must be made according to an exchange rate, verifiable with the ECB. Do not forget to make an exact conversion for your account, to avoid glitches!
💳 Payment method
Several possibilities here. The goal is to choose the most economical solution.
For a European customer, the SEPA transfer is an interesting alternative. But sepa me who chooses, it is you.
For a non-EU customer, you can choose a non-SEPA transfer. Check the additional fees with the bank, which does not hesitate to light up for this kind of transaction.
Bank transfer is not the only way. You can use other intermediaries, such as Paypal.
But here again, keep yourself informed of the commissions taken by the platform, which are generally around 2%.
And VAAAAAT? (why are you screaming?!)
And there it gets tough. 🍊
Well yes, it's already not very simple for a random French so when you have to transpose all the schmilblick in a foreign country, it's immediately a little more less fun.
For a customer outside the EU
No VAT. No more, no less (as my compatriots from Occitania say). On your invoice, you will indicate 0% VAT, whether you are normally exempt from it or not.
For a customer in the EU
For each service performed for a European client, it is necessary to make a DES, a Declaration of Exchange of Services. It is done on the customs site, before the 10th of each month.
Ditto (idem), you must imperatively mention your intra-community VAT number.
It is an individual identification number for any business that has to pay VAT in the EU. You can request it from your tax office.
If you are not subject to VAT,
You must make an invoice excluding tax, on which you will indicate your intra-community VAT number, so that your customer can pay it in his country of origin.
You will then have to indicate “auto-liquidation” on the invoice.
If your customer is not subject to VAT,
This is the case of an individual. Here, you will have to invoice the French VAT. The client then pays the VAT of the country of the freelancer.
Voila. Above all.
Better Call Eva